1U CubeSat Structure

CubeSat Structure

1U CubeSat Structure

Price:  $ 1,600.00


Unlock the future of CubeSat design with our pioneering custom 1U CubeSat Outer Structure—an innovation that seamlessly combines aerospace-grade titanium with cutting-edge DMLS (Direct Metal Laser Sintering) 3D printing. Our custom 1U CubeSat Outer Structure redefines the very architecture of CubeSats, offering strength, precision, and geometry optimization like never before.

Elevate your CubeSat mission with a custom 1U outer structure that exemplifies precision, strength, and the transformative power of 3D printing. Whether you're advancing Earth observation, probing the cosmos, or pushing the boundaries of space technology, our outer structure will serve as the robust foundation for your CubeSat's success.

Redefine CubeSat design and mission performance with ourcustom 1U CubeSat Outer Structure, where the precision of DMLS 3D printing meets the strength of titanium.


Product Inquiry

✨ Tailored to Your Vision:

Collaborate with our expert engineers to create a bespoke outer structure perfectly aligned with your missions unique requirements, ensuring the ultimate in strength, weight, and geometric optimization.

🌟 Titanium Excellence:

Crafted from aerospace-grade titanium, our outer structure combines the unmatched strength-to-weight ratio of titanium with the precision of 3D printing, ensuring resilience and longevity in the demanding space environment.

⚙️ DMLS 3D Printing Precision:

Revolutionary 3D printing technology allows for intricate geometric design optimization, enabling enhanced thermal performance, and maximum space utilization.

🛠️ Space-Hardened Durability:

Rigorous testing ensures that your outer structure withstands the most extreme space conditions, including vacuum, radiation, and temperature fluctuations, guaranteeing reliable performance throughout your mission.

🌌 Weight Efficiency:

The combination of titanium and DMLS 3D printing allows us to achieve an exceptional balance between structural integrity and weight reduction, enabling the maximization of your CubeSats payload capacity.

🔍 Precision Manufacturing:

Every detail is meticulously crafted with DMLS 3D printing, ensuring the highest aerospace industry standards of structural integrity and dimensional accuracy.

🚀 Custom Payload Integration:

Our outer structure is designed to seamlessly accommodate a wide array of payloads, sensors, and instruments, enabling you to tailor your CubeSat for diverse missions, from Earth observation to scientific research.

💡 Advanced Coating Options:

Choose from a range of space-qualified coatings to enhance thermal properties, radiation resistance, and durability, further optimizing the outer structure for your mission's needs.

Empowering Innovation Beyond Horizons

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